Welcome to Bishop King CE Primary School's new website!

Dear Parents, Carers and Visitors,

Bishop King is a Voluntary Aided Church of England primary school in the centre of Lincoln. We have approximately 450 children on roll, including a Nursery class. We are an inclusive school within a very diverse community; our children are of many different nationalities.

Our vision, “Dream big. Love God. Live well.” encompasses our church school values to inspire our children to do their very best and to achieve well in everything they do.

We have two classes in each year group, from Reception to Year 6, plus a Nursery where we admit children after their third birthday.

We are a positive team, working hard to ensure our children reach their full potential. We have high expectations of pupils’ behaviour and work ethic but we also recognise that it is important for our pupils to develop their talents in art, music and sport; hence, we offer a wide range of opportunities – inside and outside of school hours.

We will continue to work closely with parents and carers to ensure they are engaged in their children’s learning. Thank you for your continued support.

With very warm wishes,

Mrs C Gaskell

Interim Headteacher